Get ready for an eventful week of school spirit! Monday is the start of the countdown to Homecoming.
Outfits for Spirit Week:
- Monday is “Anything But A Bookbag”
- Tuesday is “Jersey Day”
- Wednesday is “Babies Vs Senior Citizens”
- Thursday is “Dress in Sunday’s Best”
- Friday is “Grade-Level Color Wars” with Seniors in Pirate blue, Juniors in black, Sophomores in white, and Freshmen in gray.
Be ready for the Pep Rally at the end of the school day on Friday!
There will also be a Homecoming Parade on Saturday the 28th with band and dancers so make sure to go out there to show your support.
As for the Homecoming Dance, this year’s theme is Enchanted Forest! Feel free to wear your semi-formal attire and mark your calendars for Saturday, Sept 28th. The dance starts at 7pm and ends at 10pm. Doors close at 8:30pm and you must stay until 9:30pm.
This year there will be concessions, including hotdogs, chips, nachos, candy, pop, water, etc. Of course, we have a DJ to hype you up throughout the night. Lastly, we will have a Photo Booth so get ready to take some cute photos to remember this eventful night.
MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR TICKETS!!! Tickets are on sale for $15 and can be bought in the business office starting Friday, Sept 20th. This year you will also be able to buy tickets at the door, but the price goes up to $20. It’s recommended to get them for presale while you can. You must have a permission slip signed by your parents and the grade level principal before you buy your ticket. If you want to bring a guest, you must fill out another form to do so.