If you’re interested in helping environmental issues and want to make a better community, the Ecology Club is just for you!

We meet up in room 224 every Monday after school until 4:30. Snacks are provided as well and it’s encouraged that you should bring your friends! Ecology Club is an amazing club to be in as your first club: you gain experience, earn community severs hours, meet new people, and go on field trips.
The Ecology Club recently went to the Butterfly Garden Workshop at Morton Freshman Academy where we talked about how we can help improve our environment. We talked about butterflies and moths, how to properly plant trees, and learned about different birds. If any of these sparked your interest, feel free to stop by room 224 and talk to our club host, Ms. Ann McElhatton.
If you still aren’t sure about our club yet, that’s okay! One of the fun things we did was on October 28th we carved pumpkins and watched the original Beetlejuice.

People who aren’t members of the club are welcome to come join us. They’ll just have to pay $5 for a single person to get in. Stop by and check us out. We look forward to meeting and adding new people to our wonderful club!