Life is a competition. It always has been; everything in nature and society come s down to the survival of the fittest, even at the cellular level. Working hard is how you survive. You will work as hard as you care, and it’s crucial to start caring because working hard is the only way to establish a prosperous and healthy life. Motivation is the key to caring. Caring about work seems daunting but if you are motivated, it’s nearly effortless and can even be enjoyable. You will get as much out of life as you put in, and those who are motivated, put in and get out a lot more.
Finding Motivation
The average person works for 1/3 of their life. That’s 90,000 hours of the average lifespan. Do you want to enjoy it or not? Working hard is the ticket to a first pick at lif e. It’s a lot easier to work hard if you are motivated, and motivation comes from finding a passion you can work hard towards. We have the privilege to pursue anything we choose. If you put effort behind ideas and dreams, you get to choose what you want to do. So, learn about yourself, recognize what makes you happy, and figure out what your passion is. With finding passion comes intrinsic motivation and with that kind of motivation you can do anything, you do n’t need much else. In trinsic motivation is the kind that comes from inside; you want to do it because you want to. Once you’re intrinsically motivated to work towards a passion, work ing becomes second nature. You want to work, because it makes you b etter. At that point you can accept that every task you’ve been assigned and will be assigned is just a step towards the big goal; l. Good lives are about reaching goals.
Relationship Between Motivation and En ergy
Motivation makes working easy. When you are motivated, you can finish tasks quicker, perform better, and feel better doing it because motivation manifests energy. No doubt it’s easier to stay awake and play a game for Then, you’ll be able to easily finish tasks and be ready for what comes next.
Relationship Between Motivation and Focus
Motivation to complete tasks will allow you to focus on them. When you are motivated to do work, you care about the wo used on it. When you are focused, you can eliminate time-and-energy-wasting distractions and finish things quicker and better. When you finish early, you have time and energy to prepare for future tasks. The more prepared you are for things, t he less time they take and the more time you have to get things done, prepare, and relax. When yo u can get things done early and relax, not only are you conserving and managing your time but your energy as well. Work hard now, .
Utilizing Motivation to Establish Productivity
We all know being stuck in a cycle, but bad ones can be broken, and good ones can be established. So, once you’ve found your motivation, you must use it to do something productive. Recognize your passion, find mo ou must start today, get up and do what needs to be done today, today for five minutes or today for five hours; n ot tomorrow, not later. Cycles don’t break later. They break now . If you want to stop putting things off, you must start today. Just j o you.
In the End
Those who let their motivation drive them to be productive have a lot to enjoy, like . Those people will develop powerful desires to become the best they can and will be able to teach themselves anything through the wisdom of motivation. The wisdom that they can pursue anything they choose if they put work and effort behind that choi ce. And in the end, being motivated and productive is the easiest way to achieve what is worth more than anything in this world: a good life .